Changes to the scheme

New changes to the workforce attraction scheme have been announced.

Our workforce attraction scheme will bring more frontline healthcare workers to communities across Queensland.

Funding for the scheme starts on 1 July 2023 and ends on 31 December 2026. We have released a new guideline about the workforce attraction incentive scheme.

I'm applying or starting after 1 November 2023

Health professionals who apply now and commence in a role with Queensland Health on or after 1 November 2023 may be eligible for the incentives under Health Employment Directive 06/23.

Health workers from interstate or overseas who move to Queensland may be eligible for payments of up to $20,000. Health workers from intrastate, interstate or overseas who take a job in rural or remote Queensland may be eligible for up to $70,000. Find out more below.*

I started between 1 July to 31 October 2023

For those who commenced in a role between 1 July and 31 October, you may also be eligible for incentives under Health Employment Directive 02/23.

Both directives outline the terms and eligibility requirements for each incentive scheme program.

Scope of the programs

Health workers eligible for the incentive scheme will be identified through the recruitment and selection process by the employing area. Health workers will only be eligible for this payment once.

The incentive scheme doesn’t impact other attraction and retention allowances health workers may be eligible for.

Scheme 1 - Interstate and international healthcare workers

Interstate and international healthcare workers who move into Queensland (outside of a location in category 4, 5, 6 or 7 under the Modified Monash Model (MMM) as they would fall under scheme 2) to work for Queensland Health may be eligible for a $10,000 incentive payment on commencement.

They will receive another $10,000 after completing a full 12 months of service in Queensland.

For part-time employment, a pro-rata amount will be paid based on the part time hours of work (percentage).

Health workers currently living and working in Queensland will not be eligible for this program.

Healthcare workers eligible for this incentive are:

  • medical doctors and specialists
  • nurses
  • midwives
  • allied health professionals
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workforce
  • dentists
  • oral health practitioners
  • scientific officers. **

* Terms and conditions apply.
** Some exclusions may apply.

Scheme 2 - Rural and remote healthcare workers

Healthcare workers who commence working for Queensland Health in a rural or remote location will receive $30,000 on commencement.

They will receive another $20,000 after completing a full 12 months of service in Queensland.

They will receive another $20,000 after completing a full 24 months of service in Queensland.*

For part-time employment, a pro-rata amount will be paid based on the part time hours of work (percentage).

‘Rural or remote’ means a location in category 4, 5, 6 or 7 under the Modified Monash Model (MMM).

This payment is available to healthcare professionals already working in Queensland, provided they currently work in a MMM category 1-3 location and relocate to a MMM category 4-7 location. For example, a transfer from Southeast Queensland to a category 4-7 service. Transfers within category 4-7 locations will not be eligible.

Explore the MMM categories using the health workforce locator map, to highlight Queensland locations, select 2019 checkbox and search Queensland. Learn more about our rural and remote health facilities.

How the payments will work

The incentive scheme payments (less tax) will be paid through Queensland Health’s payroll system on the first available pay period.

The payments will not be subject to fringe benefits tax (FBT). They will form part of salaries and wages paid through payroll (less tax) and will be included in Employee Income Statements on myGov for personal income tax returns and assessments.

Do you have questions about the incentive?

If you have questions about the incentives, please provide your details below.

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