Student information
Information and resources for healthcare professional students wishing to complete clinical placements within Queensland Health facilities.
Education provider information
Information about Student Placement Deeds and organising and administering clinical placements for healthcare professional students.
Clinical placement resources
Summary of clinical placement resources including reference documents and documents for completion.
Student Placement Deed holders
A list of education providers with current Deeds in place for student clinical placements.
Clinical placements and respiratory protection programs
Information about the repeal of the COVID-19 vaccination mandate, the use of respirators, and fit testing requirements for clinical placements.
Contact the Clinical Placements Program Management Team
For enquiries about the contractual administration of student placements in Queensland health facilities.
Nursing and Midwifery Regional, Rural and Remote Student Placement Allowance
Are you interested in experiencing a placement in a Queensland Health regional, rural or remote facility?
As a final stage or year student nurse or midwife you might be able to apply for a $5,000 cost of living allowance to support your clinical placement.
What's new
Check the following list for updates which may affect how you arrange and operate clinical placements in our facilities.
New guideline – Fit testing of particulate filter respirators in respiratory protection programs
A new Fit testing of particulate filter respirators in respiratory protection program - Human Resources Guideline (QH-GDL-401-3-4) [PDF 673 KB] has been published. This guideline applies to health care professional students. Students attending clinical placements in Queensland Health and Hospital and Health Service facilities may be required to wear fit-tested respirators during their placement. Learn more about clinical placements and respiratory protection programs.
Student orientation checklist update
The following changes were made to the Student orientation checklist [PDF 2692.81 KB].
- Updates to reflect the new Fit testing of particulate filter respirators in respiratory protection program guideline
- Minor updates to the wording under the ‘Immunisation evidence and infection prevention – Fit testing’ section (reference 12).
You can download the updated checklist from the clinical placement resources page.
Update to Schedule signatory list
The following update was made to the Schedule signatory list [PDF 325.4 KB].
Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service – Updated delegate email addresses for Schedule sign off for Cairns and Hinterland HHS placements.
You can download the updated Schedule signatory list from the clinical placement resources web page.