As you prepare for your clinical placement in a Queensland Health facility, you must complete the below documents to formalise the placement arrangements. These documents can also be accessed on the Clinical placements resources page.
Student Orientation Checklist
The Student Orientation Checklist [PDF 2692.81 KB] is the primary document used to record pre-placement orientation and checks.
Before signing your Student Deed Poll, it is important that you have completed the mandatory orientation outlined in Preparing for your clinical placement. This includes understanding your responsibilities before and during your placement, including the pre-placement immunisation requirements and the legal obligations regarding safety, confidentiality, and conduct.
Evidence of completion of orientation is recorded on the Student Orientation Checklist. Allied health students will need to complete both the Student Orientation Checklist and the Evidence record of allied health student training. See Clinical placement information for allied health students for more information.
The Student Orientation Checklist should be provided to your education provider so they can record completion. You should also keep a copy for your records.
Student Deed Poll
The main legal document you must sign is the Student Deed Poll [PDF 421.98 KB].
The Student Deed Poll confirms the contractual relationship between you (as a student) and the Hospital and Health Service/the Department. This document is a record of your agreement to attend and participate in your pre-entry clinical placement under the terms required.
As the obligations agreed by you as part of the Student Deed Poll relate only to the placement for which the Deed Poll is signed, and ends at the completion of the placement, a new Student Deed Poll is required to be completed for each placement.
The Student Deed Poll should be provided to your Hospital and Health Service supervisor or other placement contact. You should also keep a copy for your records. (Please note that your education provider may also ask to see or retain a copy of this document.)