In recognition of the integral role of clinical placements in the education of health students, Queensland Health provides opportunities for pre-entry clinical health workforce students to satisfy practical training requirements related to their course or module of study in which they are enrolled with their education provider. Pre-entry clinical placements in Queensland Health facilities require education providers to establish and maintain a Student Placement Deed, and cannot occur without these Deeds. Education providers who appear in the following table have a current and valid Deed with Queensland Health, with an expiration date of 31 December 2025.

Education provider Provider code Deed commencement date 2024 Deed of Variation executed**
Australian Catholic University ACU 15/06/2022 Yes
Australian College of Nursing ACN 31/08/2023 Yes
Bond University BON 27/06/2022 Yes
Central Queensland University CQU 21/06/2022 Yes
Charles Darwin University CDU 27/06/2022 Yes
Charles Sturt University CSU 21/06/2022 Yes
Curtin University CUR 27/07/2022 N/A
Deakin University DEA 17/06/2022 Yes
Edith Cowan University ECU 27/06/2022 Yes
Federation University Australia FED 15/06/2022 Yes
Flinders University FLN 04/07/2022 N/A
Foundation Education* FDN 25/11/2022 N/A
Griffith University GRI 24/06/2022 Yes
James Cook University JCU 24/06/2022 Yes
La Trobe University LAT 17/06/2022 Yes
Mater Education MAT 27/06/2022 N/A
Monash University MON 12/09/2022 Yes
Queensland University of Technology QUT 27/06/2022 Yes
RMIT University RMU 17/06/2022 N/A
Rural Medical Education Australia* RME 26/07/2024 N/A
Southern Cross University SCU 27/06/2022 Yes
Strategix Training Group Pty Ltd* SGX 20/04/2023 Yes
Swinburne University of Technology* SUT 21/08/2024 N/A
TAFE Queensland TAF 15/06/2022 Yes
The Cairnmillar Institute* CRN 27/08/2024 N/A
The University of Notre Dame Australia NDA 02/06/2023 N/A
The University of Queensland UQU 27/06/2022 Yes
The University of Western Australia UWA 27/07/2022 N/A
THINK: Colleges* THI 27/07/2022 Yes
Torrens University* TOR 27/07/2022 Yes
University of Canberra CAN 07/06/2024 N/A
University of Melbourne* MEL 14/06/2023 N/A
University of New England UNE 24/06/2022 Yes
University of Newcastle NEW 12/09/2022 N/A
University of South Australia USA 17/06/2022 N/A
University of Southern Queensland USQ 24/06/2022 Yes
University of Sydney SYD 12/09/2022 N/A
University of Tasmania TAS 12/09/2022 Yes
University of Technology Sydney UTS 27/07/2022 Yes
University of the Sunshine Coast USC 15/06/2022 Yes
University of Wollongong UWL 27/07/2022 Yes
Western Sydney University WSU 29/06/2022 Yes

* Placement restrictions apply. Please contact for further information.
**A Deed of Variation must be executed to enable eligible final year/stage nursing and midwifery students to apply for the Nursing and Midwifery Regional, Rural and Remote Student Placement Allowance from 1 January 2024.