COVID-19 vaccine

As of 25 September 2023 Queensland Health and Queensland Ambulance Service no longer mandate COVID-19 vaccination for employees, prospective employees, contractors, agency workers, students, and volunteers. The updated Vaccination of healthcare workers’ Guideline [PDF 759.34 KB] provides comprehensive details on vaccination requirements for healthcare workers. Any reference to ‘worker’ in the guideline includes employees, prospective employees, contractors, agency workers, students and volunteers.

COVID-19 vaccine recommendations

Vaccination is proven to reduce hospitalisation and severe illness caused by COVID-19. Queensland Health continues to recommend all of its workers are vaccinated and follow the Australian Technical Advisory group on Immunisation (ATAGI) COVID-19 advice. The most recent ATAGI recommendations for COVID-19 vaccines are in the Australian Immunisation Handbook on the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care website.

Education providers have an obligation to provide a safe work placement for students which will be informed by their own risk assessment. Queensland Health recognises that education providers may require vaccinations in addition to Queensland Health’s current requirements.

Students are encouraged to first contact their education provider if they have questions regarding their clinical placement.

Further vaccination information

Further information on Queensland Health vaccination requirements for contractors, students and volunteers can be found in the Health Service Directive for Vaccine preventable disease screening for contractors, students and volunteers and Protocol for vaccine preventable disease screening for contractors, students and volunteers.

The Queensland Health Acute Respiratory Infection – Infection Prevention and Control Guideline [PDF 665 KB] provides information and guidance for managing patients with suspected or confirmed acute respiratory illnesses (ARIs) in healthcare settings.

Fit testing and the use of respirators while on clinical placements

Wearing a fit tested P2/N95 respirator

Wearing of fit-tested respirators is a requirement for students attending clinical placements in Queensland Health facilities where there is a high risk of exposure to an airborne infectious agent. Further information can be found in Queensland Health’s infection prevention and control guidance and Fit testing of particulate filter respirators in respiratory protection programs guideline [PDF 673 KB].

Fit testing and fit checking minimise the risk of transmission by identifying which Particulate Filter Respirator (PFR) provides a sufficient fit for each user and then ensuring a proper fit each time the PFR is worn. PFR refers to high level fluid resistance respirators that assist in reducing the wearers respiratory exposure to airborne contaminants. P2/N95 respirators are classified as PFRs.

Fit checking must be done each time a PFR is put on to ensure a good seal is achieved over the bridge of the nose and mouth, and that there are no gaps between the respirator and face. Positive and negative seal checking is part of the process to indicate whether further positioning adjustments are required.

Hospital and Health Services (HHSs) may use different respirators due to supply chain limitations and education providers should contact respective Queensland Health HHSs to determine likely type and brand of respirator utilised within the HHS.

Students who don't produce records of fit testing results, where respirators are required, may not be able to proceed with placement or deploy to another area not requiring the use of a PFR and a fit test. Education providers are able to purchase PFRs from Supply Chain Services of the make/model and size utilised in Queensland Health and HHSs, for further information email

Organising a fit test

Education providers should make arrangements to support timely fit testing of their student cohorts (or individual students, as the case may be) where it is required. Fit testing is to be undertaken annually and when there is a significant change in the wearer’s facial characteristics that could alter the facial seal of the respirator (e.g. significant change in body weight, facial surgery, growth of facial hair).

Fit testing must be conducted in accordance with Australian/New Zealand Standard 1715:2009 and AS/NZS ISO 16975.3:2023. Data retention requirements of fit testing under the Student Deed is for 25 years.

Evidence of fit testing

Records of fit testing results are to be made available to Queensland Health as required and are to contain the following details:

  • Name of fit tester
  • Fit testing organisation name and contact details
  • Name of agency staff/contractor/student and identification number
  • Date of fit test (within 12 months)
  • Medical screening / evaluation of physical and psychological capacity to use RPE
  • Make/brand, model, and size of two RPE successfully fitted (including manufacturers reference number)
  • Fit factor/s
  • Real time fit check
  • If a qualitative or quantitative test was performed.

Fit testing resources