Your role

As a health promotion officer in Queensland Health, you’ll help individuals and communities to improve their health and get the health care they need.

You’ll work with other public health professionals to plan, deliver, and review health programs, campaigns, and policies.

What you’ll do

As a health promotion officer, you'll:

  • Create messages, promotional content and campaigns about important health topics
  • Work with communities to develop and deliver health programs together
  • Manage health projects and review health programs

You might focus on a broad range of topics that influence health, including social, environmental and financial factors, or you might focus on specific health issues like smoking, or encouraging people to get screened for health conditions.

To learn more about this job, visit the Australian Health Promotion Association website.


To be employed in Queensland Health, health promotion officers need a university qualification in health promotion or a similar health field, such as public health or nutrition with a strong focus on health promotion.

You can get this by doing a degree in:

  • health promotion
  • public health with a focus on health promotion
  • another health or social science field, then doing further post-graduate university studies in health promotion or public health.


Your pay will depend on your health practitioner (HP) classification and employment status. Read our health practitioner wage rates.

Career progression

Most health promotion officers start in Queensland Health at the Health Practitioner Level 3 (HP3).

As health promotion is a competitive field, you may choose to do further study to support career progression into more senior roles.

How to apply

We advertise all our jobs on the Queensland Government SmartJobs website. We also have information about the application process.