Our hospital and health services cover 16 defined geographical areas. Each has a group of hospitals or health care facilities committed to providing a range of health care services.

Map of 16 Queensland Hospital and Health Services listed on the page as headings

Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service

The Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service includes 9 hospitals, 11 primary health sites and 9 community health centres, as well as mental health facilities and specialist services.

Facilities include:

  • Babinda Multi Purpose Health Centre
  • Innisfail Hospital
  • Mareeba Hospital
  • Mossman Hospital
  • Tully Hospital

You’ll join our dedicated and supportive team, helping care for patients with a wide range of diseases, some of which are endemic to the tropics. We have a lot of exciting opportunities for career development, medical research and clinical trials.

We're nestled between two World Heritage sites, the Great Barrier Reef and the Wet Tropic World Heritage Area attracting tourists from around the world. You'll be able to explore the region’s outstanding natural beauty and wildlife with easy day trips out to the reef, tropical islands and rainforest waterfalls.

We have intern and RMO rotations with the Royal Flying Doctor Service.

Find out more about Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service:

For information about RMO and Registrar opportunities, email CHHHS_RMO_Recruitment@health.qld.gov.au or phone:

Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service

The Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service provides health care to the Central Queensland catchment area of approximately 250,000 people. See a map of Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service.

Facilities include:

  • Capricorn Coast
  • Emerald Hospital
  • Gladstone Hospital
  • Rockhampton Hospital.

For information about RMO and Registrar opportunities, email CQHHS_jmorecruit@health.qld.gov.au or phone 07 4920 6764.

You can also read about:

Central West Hospital and Health Service

The Central West Hospital and Health Service provides care and support services to those living in and visiting some of Queensland’s most remote communities. See a map of Central West Hospital and Health Service.

Facilities include:

  • Barcaldine Hospital and Multipurpose Health Service
  • Blackall Hospital
  • Longreach Hospital
  • Winton Hospital and Multipurpose Health Service.

For information about RMO and Registrar opportunities, email cw-workforcemedical@health.qld.gov.au or phone 07 4652 8077.

You can also read about:

Children's Health Queensland

The Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service specialises in caring for children and young people from across Queensland and northern New South Wales. See a map of Children's Health Hospital and Health Service.

For information about RMO and Registrar opportunities, email CHQ_JMWS@health.qld.gov.au or phone 07 3068 4340.

You can also read the Children's Hospital Profile [PDF 433.15 KB].

Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service

The Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service provides exceptional patient centred care to 300,000 people in public hospitals across 29 facilities. See a map of Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service.

Facilities include:

  • Baillie Henderson Hospital
  • Cherbourg Hospital
  • Chinchilla Hospital
  • Dalby Hospital
  • Goondiwindi Hospital
  • Kingaroy Hospital
  • Stanthorpe Hospital
  • Toowoomba Hospital
  • Warwick Hospital.

For information about RMO and Registrar opportunities contact either:

You can also read about:

Watch the Toowoomba Hospital information video on YouTube.

Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service

The Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service provides care in hospital and community settings across the Gold Coast and northern New South Wales. See a map of Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service.

Facilities include Gold Coast University and Robina hospitals. There are also RMO and Registrar opportunities in the Gold Coast Mental Health Service.

For information about general RMO and Registrar opportunities, email GCHmedservicesunit@health.qld.gov.au or phone 07 5687 3874.

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For information about Mental Health RMO and Registrar opportunities, email Jodie.frankhouser@health.qld.gov.au or phone 07 5687 7116.

You can also read the GCHHS Mental Health Profile [PDF 604.51 KB].

Greenslopes Private Hospital

The Greenslopes Private Hospital is Australia’s largest private teaching hospital located on the south side of Brisbane.

For information about RMO and Registrar opportunities, email JMOAdmin.GPH@ramsayhealth.com.au or phone 07 3394 7819.

You can also read the Greenslopes Private Hospital Profile [PDF 338.66 KB].

Mackay Hospital and Health Service

The Mackay Hospital and Health Service provides health services in a range of regional, community and rural settings. See a map of Mackay Hospital and Health Service.

Facilities include:

  • Bowen Hospital
  • Mackay Hospital
  • Proserpine Hospital
  • Sarina Hospital.

For information about RMO and Registrar opportunities, email mackaymedicalworkforce@health.qld.gov.au or phone 07 4885 7516.

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Mater Brisbane

The Mater Brisbane provides a wide range of adult surgical, medical, cancer services and various sub-specialties to the public.

For information about RMO and Registrar opportunities, email medworkforce@mater.org.au or phone 07 3163 8755.

You can also read about:

Metro North Hospital and Health Service

The Metro North Hospital and Health Service delivers health services to people from north of the Brisbane River to north of Kilcoy.

There are RMO and Registrar opportunities across various Metro North hospital and health services.

Metro North Health Medical Careers links to the medical careers pages for all our hospital facilities and services and has our recent June 2023 Metro North Health RMO Recruitment Information Evening video.

Metro North Public Health Unit

At the Metro North Public Health Unit, communicable disease, environmental health and health surveillance teams work together to prevent, manage and control communicable disease and environmental health risks in the Metro North Hospital and Health Service area.

For information about Public Health Registrar opportunities, email megan.young@health.qld.gov.au or phone 07 3624 1111.

You can also read about:

Metro North Health Virtual Emergency Care Service

The Virtual Emergency Care Service (VECS) is a Qld Health statewide emergency telehealth service offering urgent specialist emergency medicine assessment to the general public, and also patients in the care of community clinicians (eg GPs, QAS paramedics and post-acute care service nurses), for non-life-threatening illnesses or injuries, in most circumstances avoiding in-person review in hospital.

We welcome applications from ED ACEM registrars to join the VECS service which has ACEM accreditation as a special skills term, where you will deliver virtual care across a 7 day week, rostered alongside your senior colleagues (FACEMs), GPs with a special interest in emergency medicine, and experienced ED triage nurses, CNs and AOs. Please refer to the role description for VECS registrar [PDF 197.29 KB].

Have a look at our public webpage Virtual Emergency Care Service | Metro North Health

VECS is just one of the Virtual Services run by Metro North Health: Virtual Care | Telehealth | Metro North Health


The Caboolture hospital works closely with patients, carers and local health partners to improve the health of the community.

For information about RMO and Registrar opportunities, email caboolturemedicalrecruitment@health.qld.gov.au or phone 07 5433 8066.

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Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital

The Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital is Queensland’s largest hospital and provides a wide range of clinical services in the heart of Brisbane.

For information about RMO and Registrar opportunities, email RBWHMedicalWorkforce@health.qld.gov.au or phone 07 3646 3521.

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Redcliffe Hospital

The Redcliffe Hospital is just 35 minutes north of Brisbane and only a ten-minute walk from the sea front.

For information about RMO and Registrar opportunities, email RedcliffeMedicalRecruitment@health.qld.gov.au or phone 07 3883 7287.

You can also read

The Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Service (STARS)

Stars provides general and specialist rehabilitation services, (including brain injury), geriatric and evaluation management unit, planned day and short stay surgical and endoscopic procedures and specialist medical and allied health outpatients.

For information about RMO and Registrar opportunities, contact either the:

You can also read about

The Prince Charles Hospital

The Prince Charles Hospital provides health services to people living in the northern suburbs of Brisbane. It also provides highly specialised cardiothoracic services to Queensland and northern New South Wales.

For information about RMO and Registrar opportunities, email TPCH-RMOMedicalWorkforce@health.qld.gov.au or phone 07 3139 5435.

You can also read about

Metro South Hospital and Health Service

The Metro South Hospital and Health Service provides health services, education and research, in the Brisbane south side, Logan, Redlands and Scenic Rim regions.

Logan Hospital

The Logan Hospital provides a range of specialty services for children and adults.

For information about RMO and Registrar opportunities, email LBMedicalWorkforce@health.qld.gov.au or phone 07 3299 9139.

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Metro South Addiction and Mental Health service

The Metro South Addiction and Mental Health service operates in 3 hospitals and a number of community health locations across the Metro South area.

For information about RMO and Registrar opportunities, email MSAMHS_RegistrarMedicalWorkforce@health.qld.gov.au or phone 07 3176 3326.

You can also read the Metro South Addiction and Mental Health Profile [PDF 147.36 KB].

Princess Alexandra Hospital

The Princess Alexandra Hospital (PAH) provides acute medical, surgical, mental health, cancer, rehabilitation and allied health services.

For information about RMO and Registrar opportunities, contact either the:

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QEII Hospital

The QEII Hospital is a medium-sized hospital with around 175 beds and more than 600 staff.

For information about RMO and Registrar positions, contact either the:

You can also read the QEII Hospital Profile [PDF 424.27 KB].

Redland Hospital - Bayside Health

The Redland Hospital is the major health centre for Redland City and Brisbane’s southern bayside suburbs.

Facilities include:

  • Redland Hospital
  • Wynnum-Manly Community Health Centre
  • Marie Rose Centre Dunwich.

For information about RMO and Registrar opportunities, email BaysideMedicalWorkforce@health.qld.gov.au or phone 07 3488 3552.

You can also read the Redland Hospital Profile.

North West Hospital and Health Service

The North West Hospital and Health Service works closely with communities to improve the health of people across North West Queensland. See a map of North West Hospital and Health Service.

For information about RMO and Registrar opportunities, email NWHHSMedicalWorkforceUnit@health.qld.gov.au or phone 07 4764 1243.

You can also read the Mount Isa Hospital Profile [PDF 903.66 KB].

South West Hospital and Health Service

The South West Hospital and Health Service delivers quality health care across south western Queensland. See a map of South West Hospital and Health Service.

Facilities include:

  • Charleville Hospital
  • Roma Hospital
  • St George Hospital

For information about RMO and Registrar opportunities, email swhhs-mms@health.qld.gov.au.

Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service

The Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service is the major provider of health services, education and research in Sunshine Coast, Gympie and Noosa areas. See a map of Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service.

Facilities include:

  • Caloundra Hospital
  • Gympie Hospital
  • Maleny Hospital
  • Nambour Hospital
  • Sunshine Coast University Hospital.

For information about RMO and Registrar opportunities, email sc-medicaladmin@health.qld.gov.au or phone 07 5470 6947.

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Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service

Torres and Cape Hospital and Health Service provides public healthcare services in the Northern Peninsula Area, Cape York and the Torres Strait.

Facilities include:

  • Bamaga Hospital
  • Cooktown Multipurpose Health Service
  • Thursday Island Hospital
  • Weipa Integrated Health Service

For information about RMO and Registrar opportunities, contact tchhs-medicalrecruitment@health.qld.gov.au

Townsville Hospital and Health Service

The Townsville Hospital and Health Service is the largest tertiary health service in northern Australia. See a map of Townsville Hospital and Health Service.

Facilities include:

  • Ayr Hospital
  • Charters Towers Hospital
  • Hughenden Health Service
  • Ingham Health Service
  • Joyce Palmer Health Service
  • Townsville University Hospital

For information about RMO and Registrar opportunities, contact either the:

Read about their Indigenous Pathway [PDF 543.32 KB]

You can also read about the Townsville University Hospital Profile [PDF 6969.23 KB] and watch the following YouTube videos:

West Moreton Hospital and Health Service

The West Moreton Hospital and Health Service provides preventative services, acute care, sub-acute care and oral health, mental health and other specialised services. See a map of West Moreton Hospital and Health Service.

Facilities include:

  • Boonah Hospital
  • Esk Hospital
  • Gatton Hospital
  • Ipswich Hospital
  • Laidley Hospital
  • Ripley Satellite Health Centre
  • The Park - Centre for Mental Health.

For information about RMO and Registrar opportunities contact, either the:

You can also read about the West Moreton HHS Profile [PDF 535.94 KB].

Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service

The Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service delivers quality, patient and family focused health services that reflect the needs of the Wide Bay community.

For information about RMO and Registrar opportunities, email WBHHS-MedicalAdmin@health.qld.gov.au or phone the following locations:

You can also read about:

Watch the Wide Bay Destination video on the University of Queensland website.