Our Pathology Queensland team coordinate appointments to the training program. The team includes members of the Medical Services Team and Discipline Medical Directors and Coordinators of Education and Training.
Recruitment is centralised by discipline/sub-specialty, not by facility. Training is accredited through the Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia (RCPA).
We offer training in:
- anatomical pathology
- chemical pathology
- forensic pathology
- genetic pathology
- general pathology
- immunopathology
- microbiology.
Find out about advanced training positions in clinical and laboratory haematology.
To apply you must:
- have an MBBS or equivalent qualification
- hold registration with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)
- have completed 2 years of clinical work after graduating in medicine.
If you’re an overseas applicant, we’ll only consider your application if you have relevant international qualifications and can get registration with AHPRA.
You won’t be considered for the pathway if you don’t meet the eligibility criteria.
Read more about eligibility and accredited facilities on the RCPA website.
You can apply for positions with the Pathology Training Program when you apply for the RMO campaign. Applications for the campaign are open Monday 2 June to Monday 30 June 2025. We won’t accept late applications.
To be eligible for a position you need to provide details for 2 referees and your referees will have to upload reports. If they don’t, you won’t be eligible for a position.
Before you apply, make sure you meet the eligibility criteria set out by the RCPA and read the role description for your discipline:
- anatomical pathology forensic pathology [PDF 398.6 KB]
- general pathology role description [PDF 380.11 KB].
You should also read the preferencing guide for your training program:
- anatomical pathology and forensic pathology guide [PDF 152.74 KB]
- general pathology guide [PDF 162.94 KB]
- chemical pathology guide [PDF 160.49 KB]
- genetic pathology guide [PDF 164.5 KB]
- immunopathology guide [PDF 161.14 KB]
- microbiology guide [PDF 207.88 KB].
Participating facilities
You’ll do your Queensland Pathology training at both public and private laboratories.
Public laboratories
- Forensic and Scientific Services (FSS)
- Gold Coast University Hospital
- Princess Alexandra Hospital
- The Prince Charles Hospital
- Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
- Sunshine Coast University Hospital
- The Townsville Hospital
Private laboratories
- Mater Pathology
- QML Pathology (Murrarie)
- QML Pathology (Benowa)
- Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology (Bowen Hills)
- Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology (Toowoomba)
- University of Queensland
You must be willing to do rotations in both public and private facilities. This will give you the most exposure to training opportunities and access to all of the relevant sections in your discipline.
If your discipline is anatomical pathology, you may also be required to complete rural rotations which could include Townsville, Toowoomba, Sunshine Coast and the Gold Coast.
Interviews and selection
The selection process will be a panel interview with Pathology Directors or their delegates of each facility, along with Education and Training Coordinators. We encourage our applicants to attend their interview in person.
Positions are evaluated and shortlisted based on eligibility, selection criteria and referee reports.
Australian and New Zealand citizens, and those with Australian permanent residency, will be offered positions before those with temporary visas.
If you're unsuccessful, you'll get a notification from Pathology Queensland. You can request feedback about your application from the panel Chair.
Key dates
You can apply for a position when you apply for the RMO campaign. Applications for the campaign are open Monday 2 June to Monday 30 June 2025.
Dates | Actions |
August | The pathway coordinator will contact short listed applicants with an interview date by phone and email at least a week before. |
August | Interviews take place. |
TBA | The pathway coordinator will contact successful applicants and make an offer. |
More information
To find out more about the training, you can contact our:
Team Leader Medical Services
Phone: (07) 2100 9017
Email: pq-fss-medical-support@health.qld.gov.au
You can also find out more about working in pathology on the Medi-Nav website.