Public health medicine is a medical specialty primarily concerned with the health and care of populations. Physicians interested in public health medicine train in both clinical medicine and public health.
Advanced training provides a depth of specialty training under supervision to prepare trainees for independent practice as consultants. The Faculty Education Committee in Public Health Medicine oversees the development of trainees.
To apply you must:
- hold current general medical registration with the Medical Board of Australia
- have a minimum of 3 years post-graduate medical experience, including at least one year of clinical experience with regular face-to-face patient contact in addition to your internship
- have completed a Masters of Public Health or equivalent that satisfies the five Australasian Faculty of Public Health Medicine (AFPHM) compulsory core discipline areas.
You can apply for the Queensland Health Public Health Medicine Training Program when you apply for the RMO campaign.
In your application, you’ll need to provide a short statement, maximum of 2 pages, responding to the selection criteria. To structure your response, read the role description [PDF 587.43 KB], particularly the how you will be assessed section within the context of the key accountabilities section. Include the statement, as one file, with your CV and upload it to your RMO online application.
To be eligible for a position you need to provide details for 2 referees and your referees will have to upload reports. If they don’t, you won’t be eligible for a position.
Read the Public Health Medicine Handbook [PDF 831.39 KB] for more information about advanced training.
If you need help completing Step 10: Preference section in the application, use the public health preference guide [PDF 169.61 KB].
Participating facilities
These Queensland Health funded positions are managed by Metro North Public Health Unit but can include placements around the state.
Placements may be in the following public health units:
- Cairns
- Townsville
- Rockhampton
- Wide Bay
- Sunshine Coast
- Metro North
- Metro South
- Toowoomba
- West Moreton
- Gold Coast.
There are also opportunities for placement at the Inala Indigenous Health Service or in the Department of Health at the following branches:
- Cancer Screening
- Prevention Strategy
- Health Protection
- Communicable Diseases
- First Nations Health Office.
There may also be opportunities by negotiation at Health and Wellbeing Queensland or University departments including:
- UQ School of Public Health
- QUT Australian Centre for Health Services Innovation (AusHSI)
- Griffith Rural Clinical School.
Interview and selection
The recruitment and selection process complies with relevant Queensland Health policies including the principles of equal employment opportunity.
The Public Health Physician, Metro North Public Health Unit, who chairs the Public Health Medicine Training Committee, will chair the selection process.
Preference for these temporary positions is given to existing AFPHM advanced trainees in good standing who require further training time. In particular, preference will be given to eligible advanced trainees who have held the position in the previous year.
If a position becomes available for new trainees, the committee uses AFPHM eligibility criteria to determine suitability of applicants for appointment to pathway positions. If there is more than one eligible applicant, a panel of Committee members will meet to merit list the eligible applicants.
The panel will consider application documents including CV, 2-page response to selection criteria and referee reports. If there is no clear merit order, the panel will proceed to interview.
Key dates
You can apply to the pathway when you apply to the RMO campaign. Applications for the campaign are open Monday 2 June to Monday 30 June 2025.
Dates | Actions |
Friday 25 July 2025 | The Program coordinator will contact short listed applicants with an interview time and date (if required). |
Week of 28 July 2025 | Interviews take place (if required). |
By Monday 11 August 2025 | Queensland Public Health Medicine Training Program will contact successful applicants and make an offer. |
Friday 15 August 2025 | Successful applicants must notify their acceptance by this date. |
More information
For general questions about these advanced training positions, contact Dr Megan Young, Public Health Physician on (07) 3624 1111 or at
For general questions about advanced training in Public Health Medicine, contact Dr Penny Hutchinson, AFPHM Qld Regional Education Co-ordinator on (07) 3818 4700 or at
You can also find out more about working in public health medicine on the Medi-Nav website.