The Australian and New Zealand Association of Neurologists (ANZAN) is responsible for matching trainees to jobs across Australia. ANZAN has significant input into education and specialist training, practice guidelines in partnership with the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP), who oversees the training of neurologists. You must apply to the College and also submit an application to the RMO campaign to receive an employment contract.


You can apply for advanced training in Neurology when you apply for the RMO campaign. If you need help completing your preferences at Step 10: Preference section in the application, use the neurology preferences [PDF 157.81 KB]. We won’t accept late applications.

Interview and selection

The recruitment and selection process complies with relevant Queensland Health human resource policies including the principles of equal employment opportunity. In Queensland, you apply to the RMO campaign and if eligible are interviewed by the panel. The panel is made up of a representative from each accredited training hospital and is chaired by the state lead of the ANZAN education and training committee.

More information

To find out more about the training contact ANZAN on 02 9169 4893 or at

You can also find out more about working in neurology on the Medi-Nav website.