We’re responsible for and oversee the Queensland Medical Oncology Advanced Training Pathway. The pathway recruits and selects registrars and assists with allocating them to an accredited training site. A centralised recruitment panel selects and appoints successful applicants. They consider each trainee’s training requirements, facility preferences and clinical workforce demands. The training program emphasises state-wide consistency and quality, in association with trainee equity, flexibility and choice.

The program is based on the RACP Medical Oncology Advanced Training curriculum, and the aim is to both:

  • improve the quality of training in medical oncology
  • promote high quality and diverse training opportunities that exist across the state.

The network offers a wide educational program and learning environment with dial in education programs provided across all sites within the network. The network has adequate audio-visual conferencing facilities to make the program easily accessible to trainees.


To apply you must:


You can apply for the Queensland Medical Oncology Advanced Training Network when you apply for the RMO campaign. Applications for the campaign are open Monday 3 June to Monday 1 July 2024.

To be eligible for a position you need to provide details for 2 referees and your referees will have to upload reports. If they don’t, you won’t be eligible for a position.

Before you apply, make sure you read the role description [PDF 154.91 KB]

If you need help completing your preferences at Step 10: Preference section in the application, use the medical oncology preference guide [PDF 157.6 KB]. Because the selection process is competitive, you should make sure you make medical oncology advanced training position your first preference.

Participating facilities

You can do your Queensland Medical Oncology Advanced Training at the following facilities:

  • Cairns Hospital
  • Gold Coast University Hospital
  • Ipswich Hospital
  • Mackay Base Hospital
  • Mater Hospital Brisbane
  • Princess Alexandra Hospital
  • Redcliffe Hospital
  • Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital
  • Sunshine Coast University Hospital
  • The Prince Charles Hospital
  • Toowoomba Hospital
  • Townsville University Hospital.

You'll rotate through regional and metro training sites. This is to make sure you have rounded exposure to medical oncology as well as a variety of clinical supervisors.

Interview and selection

The recruitment and selection process complies with relevant Queensland Health policies including the principles of equal employment opportunity.

All network sites are actively involved in the recruitment and interview process. The interview panel includes representatives from several training sites.

The interview panel decides allocation of registrars to their training site rotation. Positions are allocated primarily according to ranking following the interview. They’re based on interview performance and scoring of CV. The panel looks at applicants’ skills, qualifications, publication record and their demonstrated interest in oncology.

Key dates

You can apply for a position when you apply for the RMO campaign. Applications for the campaign are open Monday 3 June to Monday 1 July 2024.



Monday 15 July 2024

The panel will review applications and contact short listed applicants with an interview time and date.

Monday 12 August 2024

New trainee interviews take place.

Monday 29 July 2024

Existing trainees’ re-interview take place.

Tuesday 13 August 2024

Queensland Medical Oncology Advanced Training Network will contact applicants with the outcome of the selection process.

More information

For further information about the program contact, Dr Peter Manders, Medical Director Medical Oncology, Sunshine Coast University Hospital 07 5202 1111.

You can find out more about working in medical oncology on the Medi-Nav website.