The Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators (RACMA) provide training through their Fellowship Training Program. For R For RACMA to select you into their training program you must apply directly to the College for candidacy.  Trainees in the RACMA Fellowship training program are referred to as Candidates by RACMA. RACMA has released a new Medical Leadership and Management Curriculum which will be implemented for the 2025 hospital year. From 2025, the Fellowship Training Program requirements will change. A summary of the program can be found here.

The RMO campaign is the Queensland Health process to recruit registrars training in Medical Administration. To be employed as a Medical Administration Registrar in Queensland, you must apply via the RMO campaign. When applying for a Medical Administration Registrar role via the RMO campaign in Queensland for the first time, you must be eligible for Candidacy with RACMA. To be then appointed, or reappointed as a Medical Administration Registrar, you must provide evidence of Candidacy with RACMA. Details of eligibility for candidacy are available on the RACMA website.

A Queensland Health state-wide selection panel considers applications from prospective and current Medical Administration Registrars. Current registrars and prospective registrars will be required to participate in a multi-modal selection process. Current registrars are not guaranteed ongoing selection from one year to the next.

Where a registrar has completed all requirements for Fellowship, or has gained Fellowship in Medical Administration, they will no longer be eligible for ongoing candidacy with RACMA. As Medical Administration Registrar positions are funded and designed for training, applications will not be considered where candidacy with RACMA is completed, or due for completion, prior to or at the commencement of the RMO campaign year.


Apply to the RMO campaign and for help completing your preferences at Step 10: Preference section in the application, use the Medical Admin preference guide [PDF 179.59 KB].

More information

To find out more about the training program, refer to the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators.

You can also find more about working in medical administration on the Medi-Nav website.