Before you apply
Before starting an application you should read the information about:
- specialty training programs
- position search tool review Registrar, Principal House, Senior House and Junior House Officer positions.
- participating hospitals locations and flyers.
Even if a college has accepted you into a training program, you still need to apply through us.
Most positions are full-time positions however we now also recruit to part-time positions, these can be view within the Position search tool. Please contact hospitals directly and discuss opportunities with them. You’ll also need to preference the facility and position in your application.
Application dates
You can find out about the application dates on our campaign dates page. Information on how to complete an application refer to the Applicant user guide [PDF 983.04 KB].
Preparing your documents
You will be required to upload a number of documents to your application. You can find about what documents we require in the application documents page. You may wish to start preparing these prior to the campaign opening date to make the application process easier.
Selecting preferences
You can preference up to 5 facilities or positions in your online application. We recommend you discuss employment opportunities with your preferred facilities or your specialty training program coordinator. You can use the position search tool to find out what positions are available.
You should only apply for positions you’re prepared to work in. If you get more than one offer, you can only accept one. Please note that some facilities get a large number of first preference applications, because of this, they may not review lower-level preferences.
If your medical registration requires supervised practice, please contact facilities directly to inquire if they are able to accommodate your request before preferencing.
If you’d like to preference 6-month rotations at 2 different facilities, you need to contact your preferred facilities directly to discuss. In the application form, you’ll need to choose the first facility as your first preference and the second as your second preference.
You’ll need to submit the details of 2 referees. Before you can complete the referee section on your application, you’ll need to get approval from your referees.
Referee/s should be:
- current immediate/supervisor and current consultant, staff specialist, clinical director, director of medical services, medical superintendent or a partner in a private practice.
- able to comment on your clinical capabilities, capacity / motivation and rapport / cooperation
- able to comment on your general character and performance
Some specialty training programs may need you to provide additional referee reports, please refer to your specialty training webpage.
When providing referee details, you’ll need to provide their email. It’s better if you provide their professional rather than private email.
Once you’ve completed Step 11 and selected Save and Continue, your referee will get an email notification asking them to complete and submit their reference online.
Make sure you check with your referee to see if they got the referee request. If they didn’t:
- check you entered their correct email address on the application
- ask them to check their email junk folder.
If they still don’t get the request, email us at
Your referee will need to complete their reference using a secure link in the email. Once the report is completed and submitted, your referee will also received a confirmation email with a copy of the completed report. If your referee doesn't receive a confirmation email, the report submission was unsuccessful and the referee may have to complete the report again.
How long your referee has to complete their report depends on the position level you’re applying for. If you’re applying for a Registrar or Principal House Officer position, referee reports are due a week after the closing date of the campaign. If you’re applying for a Senior or Junior House Officer position, referees have until the Recruitment Round begins. However, the sooner they complete the report the better.
Completing your application
You need to apply through the application portal. Paper applications will not be accepted.
You don’t have to complete your application in one go, however, we suggest you complete it in order from start to finish.
Before you submit your application, make sure you discuss available opportunities with the facilities you preferenced or the organisation allocating positions.
Submitting your application
Once you’ve completed all steps of the application, select Submit Application Now. When you do, you’ll get an option to Submit Now or Submit Later. If you select Submit Later your application will save. You’ll need to log back in and select Submit Now to submit your application.
Once you submit your application successfully your Application Status will change to Complete and Submitted and you’ll get a confirmation email.
For your preferenced facilities or training programs to consider your application, you need to complete and submit it by the campaign closing date. If you have any system difficulties, please email
Assessing applications
You can find out the recruitment round dates via the campaign dates page.
Registrar and Principal house officer positions assessment and selection
Recruitment Rounds | 1st Preference | 2nd to 5th Preferences |
Recruitment Round 1: Registrar/PHO - Assessment | Facilities assess preferences, contact candidates to discuss applications, employment opportunities or organise interviews. | |
Recruitment Round 1: Registrar/PHO - Job Offer | 1st pref facility or training program provides job offer. Once job offer is accepted, application is no longer available for assessment. | If no offer by 1st pref, 2-5 pref facilities may provide job offer. Once job offer is accepted, application is no longer available for assessment. |
Recruitment Round 1: Registrar/PHO –Re-preference Round | If no offer is provided, applicants can re-preference to Registrar/ PHO remaining vacancies. SHO/JHO candidates wishing to amend preferences due to change of circumstance can do so also. | |
Recruitment Round 1: Registrar/PHO –Remaining vacancies Round | Facilities assess, interview and provide a job offer to candidates that re-preferenced. Once job offer is accepted, application is no longer available for assessment. |
Junior and Senior house officer positions assessment and selection
Recruitment Rounds | 1st Preference | 2nd to 5th Preferences |
Recruitment Round 2: SHO/JHO - Assessment | Facilities assess preferences, contact candidates to discuss applications, employment opportunities or organise interviews. | |
Recruitment Round 2: SHO/JHO – Job offer | 1st pref facility provides job offer. Once job offer is accepted, application is no longer available for assessment. | If no offer by 1st pref, 2-5 pref facilities may provide job offer. Once job offer is accepted, application is no longer available for assessment. |
Recruitment Round 2: SHO/JHO - Re-preference Round | If no offer is provided, applicants can re-preference to SHO/JHO remaining vacancies. | |
Recruitment Round 2: SHO/JHO - Remaining vacancies Round | Facilities assess, interview and provide a job offer to candidates that re-preferenced. Once job offer is accepted, application is no longer available for assessment. |
Open round assessment and selection
Recruitment Rounds | 1st Preference | 2nd to 5th Preferences |
Recruitment Round 3: Open Round | Candidates in the available candidate pool participate in the Open round. Facilities contact candidates to fill any remaining vacancy. |
Shortlisting applications
Your preferenced facility’s medical recruitment teams will access your online application, they will package and provide your application to the selection panels for assessment. Selection panels decide which will be shortlisted for interview. Note that only your preferenced facilities or training programs can access your application.
If you are shortlisted, you will be contacted (via phone or email) that you have been successful in progressing to the interview stage.
If you are not shortlisted by any of your five preferenced facilities, you will not be contact at all. Please note that you will remain in the available candidate pool and have the option to re-preference your application to remaining vacancies during the Candidate Re-preference Round.
Your preferenced facility’s medical recruitment team or selection panel member will contact you to organise an interview and confirm a time, date and method of interview.
Interviews may include practical elements, such as a demonstration of your skills, or more traditional, question and answer format.
Outcome of applications
Successful applicants
Successful applicants may be offered the position verbally by the selection panel, followed by a confirmation email from the facility’s medical recruitment team. Formal contracts are generally sent by the facility’s medical recruitment team at a later date after completing all the pre-employment checks.
Due to the large number of contracts, your employing facility may take some time to provide you with a formal contract. If you have any questions regarding your contract, please contact your employing facility’s medical recruitment team directly.
Please note that you will not receive communication from the RMO campaign team once your application has been allocated to your employing facility via the system.
If you accept an offer of employment and change your mind or are offered and accept another position, contact the facility’s medical recruitment team to revoke/withdraw your original offer. The team will then place your application back in the available candidate pool for the other facility to select you in the system. Please do not withdraw your online application via the portal.
Unsuccessful applicants
If you have been interviewed and are unsuccessful, a panel member will advise you of the outcome of the selection process. Post selection feedback can be requested from the panel.
In some cases, applicants assessed as ‘suitable’ for the role but who aren’t rated as the top candidate, may go into a pool to be considered for subsequent or similar vacancies that may arise.
If you are not contacted by a facility
If you are not contacted during the rounds, you will remain in the available candidate pool and will have the option to re-preference to remaining vacancies that arise throughout the campaign. Once in the Open round, any facility can contact you to fill ad hoc vacancies, the facility will contact you directly to discuss opportunities.
Starting work
Please refer to the term dates page for your start date. Many facilities hold orientation days/weeks, however, please consult your employing facility.
More information
Refer to HR Policy B1 (recruitment and selection) [PDF 3849 KB] for more information.