We have intern positions available at hospitals throughout Queensland. To find out more about each location you can review the profiles below.
If you have general questions about the internship program, contact the intern campaign coordinator on Intern-Recruitment@health.qld.gov.au
Cairns and Hinterland Hospital and Health Service
For information about general intern positions in the Cairns and Hinterland region:
- read about their intern opportunities [PDF 7220.19 KB] and arrange a visit
- read about Cairns and Hinterland careers, hospital information related to the campaign and terms available
- contact the Recruitment team on (07) 4226 6252 or at CHHHS_RMO_Recruitment@health.qld.gov.au
- contact the Medical Education team on (07) 4426 7453 or at CairnsMedicalEducationUnit@health.qld.gov.au.
You can also hear from some previous interns on Vimeo.
Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service
For information about general intern positions in the Central Queensland region:
- read the information for prospective Medical Interns [PDF 2059.13 KB]
- read about Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service and the hospital information related to the campaign [PDF 720.03 KB] they've received
- you can also hear from a previous intern
- attend the 2025 intern recruitment open days [PDF 2794.72 KB]
- contact the Recruitment team on (07) 4920 6764 or at CQHHS_jmorecruit@health.qld.gov.au
- contact the Medical Education team on (07) 4920 6332 or at MEU_Rockhampton@health.qld.gov.au.
Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service
For information about general intern positions in the Darling Downs region:
- read about their intern recruitment [PDF 2557.51 KB] and hospital information related to the campaign [PDF 681.24 KB] they've received
- contact the Recruitment team on (07) 4616 6388 or at DDHHS-Medical-Rosters@health.qld.gov.au.
You can also view the YouTube video to learn more about Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service
Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service
For information about general intern positions in the Gold Coast region:
- read about their intern training opportunities [PDF 801.5 KB] and hospital information related to the campaign [PDF 345.17 KB] they've been asked
- Manager Medical Support Services Unit on (07) 5687 3874 or at Neil.Smith2@health.qld.gov.au
- Senior Medical Support Services Officer on (07) 5687 3881 or at Liz.Payton@health.qld.gov.au.
You can also view the Vimeo to learn more about Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service.
Mackay Hospital and Health Service
For information about general intern positions in the Mackay region:
- read about their intern recruitment campaign [PDF 5493.32 KB] and hospital information related to the campaign [PDF 327.75 KB] they've received
- attend their open day [PDF 1809.38 KB]
- contact the Recruitment team on (07) 4885 7517 or at mackaymedicalworkforce@health.qld.gov.au
- contact the Medical Education team on (07) 4885 7082 or at MEUmackay@health.qld.gov.au.
Mater Health Service
For information about general intern positions at Mater Health Services:
- read about joining the Mater team [PDF 1292.07 KB] and hospital information related to the campaign [PDF 1296.4 KB] they've been asked
- contact the Medical Workforce team on (07) 3163 8755 or at medworkforce@mater.org.au.
Metro North Hospital and Health Service
Caboolture Hospital
For information about intern positions at Caboolture Hospital:
- read about their intern opportunities [PDF 262.92 KB] and hospital information related to the campaign [PDF 850.17 KB] they've been asked
- attend the intern information sessions [PDF 70.51 KB]
- contact the Recruitment team on (07) 5433 8066 or (07) 5316 5992 or at caboolturemedicalrecruitment@health.qld.gov.au.
You can also find out about Intern opportunities on Vimeo.
Redcliffe Hospital
For information about general intern positions at Redcliffe Hospital:
- read about their intern opportunities and hospital information related to the campaign [PDF 722.11 KB] they've been asked
- contact the Recruitment team on (07) 3883 7287 or at redcliffemedicalrecruitment@health.qld.gov.au.
Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital
For information about general intern positions at Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital:
- read about their intern opportunities and hospital information related to the campaign [PDF 261 KB] they've been asked
- read about the intern campaign process [PDF 106.83 KB]
- contact the Recruitment team on (07) 3646 8224 or at RBWHMedicalWorkforce@health.qld.gov.au.
The Prince Charles Hospital
For information about general intern positions at The Prince Charles Hospital:
- hospital information related to the campaign [PDF 1047.17 KB]
- contact the Recruitment team on (07) 3139 5435 or at TPCH-ManagerMWU@health.qld.gov.au
- contact the Manager Medical Education at TPCH-Medical-education@health.qld.gov.au
Metro South Hospital and Health Service
Logan Hospital
For information about general intern positions at Logan Hospital:
- read about their intern opportunities and hospital information related to the campaign [PDF 363.4 KB] they've been asked
- contact the Medical Education team on (07) 3299 8930 or at Logan_Medical_Education_Unit@health.qld.gov.au.
Princess Alexandra Hospital
For information about general intern positions at Princess Alexandra Hospital:
- read about their intern opportunities and hospital information related to the campaign [PDF 515.9 KB] they've been asked
- contact the Recruitment team on (07) 3176 2116 or at pah.jmocampaign@health.qld.gov.au.
Redland Hospital
For information about general intern positions at Redland Hospital:
- read about their intern opportunities and hospital information related to the campaign [PDF 673.77 KB] they've been asked
- contact the Recruitment team on (07) 3488 3505 or at Thomas.Williams@health.qld.gov.au.
Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital
For information about general intern positions at Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Hospital:
- read about their intern training opportunities [PDF 154.41 KB] and hospital information related to the campaign [PDF 1045.12 KB] they've been asked
- contact the Medical Workforce Officer on (07) 3182 6824 or at QEII_MedicalWorkforce@health.qld.gov.au
- contact the Medical Education team on (07) 3182 6989 or at QE2Medical_Education@health.qld.gov.au.
North West Hospital and Health Service
For information about general intern positions in the North West region:
- read about their intern campaign [PDF 329.2 KB] and hospital information related to the campaign [PDF 619.09 KB] they've been asked
- contact the Recruitment team on (07) 4744 7141 or at NWHHSMedicalWorkforceUnit@health.qld.gov.au.
Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service
For information about general intern positions in the Sunshine Coast region:
- read about their intern opportunities [PDF 2439.1 KB] and hospital information related to the campaign [PDF 369.32 KB] they've received
- attend the online forum [PDF 1066.5 KB].
- Contact the Medical Workforce Team on (07) 5470 6612 or at sc-intern-recruitment@health.qld.gov.au.
Townsville Hospital and Health Service
For information about general intern positions in the Townsville region:
- read about their medical recruitment, including interns and hospital information related to the campaign [PDF 303.31 KB] they've received
- read about their Indigenous intern pathways [PDF 542.74 KB]
- contact the Recruitment team on (07) 4433 4733 or at TSV-JMO@health.qld.gov.au
- contact the Medical Education team on (07) 4433 2268 or at TSV-MEDED@health.qld.gov.au
- contact the Manager of Medical Education and Workforce Services on (07) 4433 1066 or at Joanne.Kilty@health.qld.gov.au.
You can also find out about career progression opportunities on YouTube.
West Moreton Hospital and Health Service
Ipswich Hospital
For information about general intern positions in the West Moreton region:
- read about their intern recruitment [PDF 282.77 KB] and hospital information related to the campaign [PDF 1101.61 KB] they've received
- contact the RMO Co-ordinator on 0499 831 380 or at wmjuniormedical@health.qld.gov.au.
Wide Bay Hospital and Health Service
Bundaberg Hospital
For information about general intern positions at Bundaberg Hospital:
- read about Bundaberg Hospital [PDF 561.4 KB] and hospital information related to the campaign [PDF 1665.91 KB] they've received
- contact the Medical Education team on (07) 4150 2234 or at MEOBundaberg@health.qld.gov.au
- contact the Recruitment team on (07) 4150 2862 or at WBHHS-JuniorMedicalRecruitment@health.qld.gov.au.
You can also hear from a previous intern on Vimeo and learn about Wide Bay on The University of Queensland website.
Hervey Bay Hospital
For information about general intern positions at Hervey Bay Hospital:
- read about internships with Hervey Bay Hospital [PDF 465.61 KB] and hospital information related to the campaign [PDF 679.24 KB]
- contact the Recruitment team on (07) 4325 6208 or at WBHHS-JuniorMedicalRecruitment@health.qld.gov.au
- contact the Medical Education team on (07) 4325 6175 or at MEOHerveyBay@health.qld.gov.au.
You can also find out about medical recruitment, hear from prevocational training doctors and meet the Director of Clinical Training (DCT).
Queensland Rural Generalist Pathway
Our hospitals also have rural generalist internships. You can find out which hospitals have rural generalist internships on the Queensland Rural Generalist Pathway website.
You can also contact the team at rural_generalist@health.qld.gov.au.