Specialty overview

Ophthalmologists diagnose, medically and surgically manage, and prevent disorders of the eyes and visual system. Conditions commonly treated by Ophthalmologists include retinal disease, glaucoma, neuro-ophthalmology, lacrimal and orbital disease, ocular inflammatory disorders and corneal disease.

Clinical practice

Ophthalmologists provide care within both public and private health care services, and may work within a variety of clinical settings, including surgical, emergency, outpatients and community care. Ophthalmologists will often work collaboratively with other health professionals, particularly in the case of chronic eye diseases.

Key statistics

2023 QLD Training program selections(first year)



This doughnut chart shows the proportion of applications recieved vs applicants selected. Eligible applications received is 74, Applicants selected is 2.

Number of Queensland and Australian specialists


Number of QLD specialists


Number of Australian specialists

Number of Queensland and Australian new fellows


Number of QLD new fellows


Number of Australian new fellows

Number of Queensland trainees and average work hours


Number of QLD trainees


Average weekly hours

Information on specialists

  • 180

    Number of QLD specialists

  • 5

    Number of QLD new fellows

  • 41.4 hours

    Average weekly hours QLD

  • 53 years

    Average age QLD

  • Specialists over 60

    This donut chart shows that 32% of specialists are aged over 60 years.
  • Specialist intending to retire by 2032

    This donut chart shows that 44% of 2022 workforce intend to retire by 2032.
  • Location in Queensland

    This donut chart shows the percentage of specialists by their location: 17.6% are located in regional Queensland, 82.4% are in major cities, and 0% are in remote regions. The chart highlights that a vast majority of specialists are based in major cities.
  • Proportion Female/Male - QLD



    This doughnut chart shows the proportion of males and females. Males are 79.7%, Females are 20.3%.
  • Public vs Private



    This doughnut chart shows the proportion of public and private specialists. Private is 91.2%, Public is 8.8%.

Information on trainees

  • 19

    Number of Queensland trainees

  • 3

    Number of new Queensland trainees

  • 144

    Number of Australian trainees

  • 32

    Number of new Australian trainees

  • Proportion female/male trainees in Queensland



    This doughnut chart shows the proportion of males and females. Males are 57.9%, Females are 42.1%.
  • 2023 QLD Training program selections (first year)



    This doughnut chart shows the number of 2023 QLD Training Program Selections (First Year). 74 Eligible applications were received, 2 of those were selected.

Number of Queensland trainees 2015-2022

This line chart shows the trend of the number of Queensland trainees from 2015 to 2022. The data points are: 2015 - 17 trainees, 2016 - 16 trainees, 2017 - 24 trainees, 2018 - 19 trainees, 2019 - 18 trainees, 2020 - 21 trainees, 2021 - 16 trainees, 2022 - 19 trainees.

Training information


Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (RANZCO)

Length of training

5 years full-time (2 years basic training, 2 years advanced training, 1 final year training)

Method of allocation

College-selected trainees may be allocated to a training post by:

  • College

Program overview

Ophthalmology training is undertaken across three stages - basic, advanced and final year training combining learning strategies based on the College's curriculum standards. The objective of the vocational training program is to produce a specialist ophalmologist who can undertake safe, unsupervised and comprehensive general ophthalmological practice. Further training and experience is required for trainees to develop an area of special interest. Upon completion of all requirements of the training program, trainees may apply for admission to Fellowship of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists (FRANZCO).

Training and assessment summary

For detailed information in relation to training and assessment requirements, please contact RANZCO.


Applicants must hold full medical registration, citizenship or permanent resident status of Australia or New Zealand and have completed a minimum of 2 years of postgraduate pre-vocational experience including a minimum of 18 months of broad experience in medical, clinical and surgical settings other than ophthalmology.


Allowed. Training must be completed within 12 years.

Interrupted training

Allowed however periods of interrupted training must be taken in 3-month blocks. Any trainee exceeding 12 weeks of leave in a training year is required to make up this deficit with additional training time and will need to demonstrate currency of skills before returning to active training.

Training locations

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