Obstetrics & Gynaecology Training in Northern Queensland

Transcript for Obstetrics & Gynaecology Training in Northern Queensland

[Soft music plays in the background]

[Text on screen] Specialty Training in Northern Queensland, Obstetrics & Gynaecology.

>> Dr Pradeesha Hettiarachchi:

[Text on screen] Dr Pradeesha Hettiarachchi, Obstetrics and Gynaecology Registrar

I’ve always known that I’ve wanted to do medicine from a young age. Obstetrics and Gynaecology is a specialty field that I’m quite passionate about, where you’re delivering life into the world or you’re dealing with problems that increase the quality of life for women. I think that everyone knows that when you work in more of a regional centre, you’re going to get more experience. When you work at bigger centres there are lots of other registrars competing for experience, competing for operative time. While I know at Mackay Base that there is going to be less registrars, and more independence, and more chances to operate and show your independence.

One thing I noticed when I was in the bigger cities is that you would see someone in clinic, and then you’d maybe do an operation, but you’d never see them again. Here you will see them in the clinic, you’ll book them for their procedure, you’ll do the procedure, you’ll see them after the procedure, most likely, and you’ll be able to see how much of a benefit and how much of an improvement you’ve done and you’ll be able to learn from it as well because you can see how they recovered from this procedure, because you might have done something differently.

So, I think this smaller community where you can follow up your patients, you’re going to learn so much more, you’re going to kind of see your results more and I think that’s one thing we miss as surgeons is we’ll be operating but we’ll never see the end result and in Mackay, I think you do get that and it’s very, very rewarding.

>> Dr Kathleen Braniff:

[Text on screen] Dr Kathleen Braniff, Clinical Director, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Mackay Base Hospital

The benefits of registrar training in rural and regional centres is that generally they get a larger clinical workload than they do in some of the larger hospitals. They also get to work in a really supportive environment with very good access to experienced specialists who are there to ack them up when needed. If they go through the mainstream program, then they’ll be allocated where they go for their first four years.  At least one year will have to be tertiary centre. For some of those trainees Townsville will be their tertiary centre, so it is possible to do all of your training in regional centres.

>> Dr Pradeesha Hettiarachchi:

You know, golf is one of those things I do like to unwind, but I remember the first time I started. One of my gynaecology consultants said that, I mean, if you’re going to be a true gynaecologist, you need to pick up some clubs and, you know, start playing. And he took me out, and I was absolutely horrible, but the passion just grew from there. One thing I would like to do is offer that kind of minimally invasive surgery, instead of having, you know, longer hospital stays with bigger incisions; having shorter hospital stays, better recoveries, and better outcomes is a service I’d like to provide to North Queensland in the future. When you pull out that baby and you get it out successfully, and you know, you can show Mum that, you know, you’ve delivered this wonderful thing, it’s just that moment. I don’t think any feeling can replace it; like it’s just happiness in its purest form, I think, just for Mum and you, and just to be part of that, I think it’s perfect.

[Text on screen] Explore specialty training opportunities in northern Queensland. nqrth.edu.au

Obstetrics and Gynaecology registrars can complete the mandatory 12 months tertiary hospital training in Townsville.

All other Obstetrics and Gynaecology training can be completed at Mackay, Cairns and Townsville.

This video was funded by the Australian Government Department of Health as part of the Regional Training Hubs initiative. Produced in partnership with northern Queensland health care providers and James Cook University.

[James Cook University crest appears on screen] Northern Queensland Regional Training Hubs. A network of medical training opportunities. nqrth.edu.au

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