Queensland Health facilitates an annual campaign to recruit resident medical officers (RMOs) and registrars for positions in Hospital and Health Services (HHS) across the state.

Each year, all participating Queensland Health facilities, Greenslopes Private Hospital, Mater Health Service and vocational training programs provide the RMO campaign with a list of available positions for the next clinical year (commencing January/February the following year).

Positions recruited via the RMO & Registrar campaign include accredited and non-accredited registrars, principal house officers (PHO), senior house officers (SHO) and junior house officers (JHO), with applicants able to nominate their preferred position level, facility, specialty and sub-specialty.

From their pool of applicants received via the campaign, specialist medical colleges, Queensland Health facilities, vocational training pathways, networks and central allocation programs run their own meritorious recruitment processes.

IMPORTANT: Individuals accepted on a College training program must apply annually for a position via the RMO & Registrar campaign to secure a contract of employment.

Visit the Queensland Health RMO and Registrar campaign website to access the application portal and for further information, including key campaign dates, a list of available positions and specialty training preference guides.