Checks we might do

We do pre-employment checks after we've ranked you as suitable for a position, but before you're appointed to the role.

Your hiring manager can tell you which checks apply, and these will vary depending on the role you've applied for.

All roles require a criminal history check. If your hiring manager doesn't give you one, you can download a criminal history consent form [PDF 412.03 KB].

You can find more information in our Criminal history checking policy [PDF 1925.54 KB].

Other checks we may do include:

  • references
  • working with children
  • aged care
  • NDIS worker screening
  • professional registration, membership and qualifications
  • Australian working rights
  • radiation licensing safety
  • biosecurity fit and proper person
  • corrective services criminal history
  • security background
  • serious discipline history
  • probity checks, such as internet search, bankruptcy search and insolvency register check.

Another common check we do is for your vaccination status. Read more about our mandatory vaccination requirements.

If specific qualifications are a mandatory requirement of the role, you'll need to give us original or certified copies of your supporting documents.

We'll accept copies certified by a justice of the peace, commissioner of declarations, barrister or solicitor or notary public.

Lobbying disclosure

You'll also need to tell us if you're employed as a lobbyist. Read the ForGov Disclosure of previous employment as a lobbyist policy [PDF 307 KB] for more information.