We employ practitioners in the following health professions:

  • audiology
  • clinical measurement science
  • dietetics and nutrition
  • exercise physiology
  • medical physics
  • music therapy
  • nuclear medicine technology
  • occupational therapy
  • orthoptics
  • orthotics and prosthetics
  • pharmacy
  • physiotherapy
  • podiatry
  • psychology
  • radiography and sonography
  • radiation therapy
  • social work
  • speech pathology.

Career structure and progression

In Queensland Health, professionals within allied health are employed within an 8 level Health Practitioner (HP) structure. Our clinical, education and research positions range from HP3 to HP7, and managerial positions range from HP4 to HP8.

You’ll be able to progress by one increment each year within your HP level if your annual performance appraisal is satisfactory.

To progress to a higher HP level, you’ll need to apply for jobs as they are advertised.

Allied health new graduates most commonly enter the Queensland Health workforce at HP level 3.

Health Practitioner 3 (HP3)

Clinicians employed at the HP level 3 demonstrate a competent level of professional knowledge and skill and undertake routine clinical practise both independently and as a member of a team.

Health Practitioner 4 (HP4)

This level includes both clinical and managerial positions. HP level 4 roles may have a clinical, education or research focus, or involve elements of all 3.

Clinical roles

Clinicians in these roles demonstrate a high level of knowledge, skills, experience and clinical leadership within a professional or multidisciplinary team.

Duties in this role are complex and varied and you may also be a sole practitioner or a line manager responsible for administrative work as well as a clinical load.

Managerial roles

In these roles you need to demonstrate clinical expertise and managerial aptitude or formal managerial experience. These roles generally include managing the operations or resources of small teams.

Health Practitioner 5 to 8 (HP5 to HP8)

These roles include specialised clinical tasks and responsibilities, or may have, with a high level of formal managerial responsibility.