Starting your career

  • Requirements to practice

    To work in Queensland you must be registered with the relevant Australian national board for your profession or be eligible for membership with your professional association.

  • Training

    We have programs and initiatives to support our allied health students with training and clinical placements.

  • Career structure

    We offer exciting career opportunities to suit your lifestyle and career goals.

  • Salaries

    Our allied health professionals enjoy a wide range of benefits, generous leave entitlements and a competitive salary.

Rural and remote opportunities

Have a passion for improving people’s lives? A health career in regional, rural and remote Queensland will give you a career with purpose, plus excellent benefits and allowances.

Great work-life balance

Find out about your leave entitlements and watch Stacey’s story about her day-to-day life as an mental health team leader living in regional Queensland.

Interested in a career in allied health

Not sure if a health career is for you? Why not start with a Cert III and get some hands on experience as an allied health assistant. Or dive right in to a Cert IV and choose a specialty area in allied health or work as an optical dispenser.

Choose your own health career

Hear from our team

Jessica Anderson

Inpatient Podiatrist
Cairns Hospital

Cairns is a wonderful place to live. The work-life balance is great, so you have time to enjoy the great outdoors. From a career point of view, you get to see a variety of different patient presentations and you often must think outside the box. Clinicians who work in rural settings bring with them unique problem-solving skills.

Lisa Baker

Allied Health Interprofessional Clinical Educator

Working rurally, I’ve been provided so many amazing opportunities in my career. I love the flexible and supportive team environment, minimal commute time, a rewarding clinical environment, and many and varied opportunities such as post-graduate training, fellowships and projects. I also love the relaxed vibe and interconnections in our rural towns.


Jacob Spatuzzo

Senior Cardiac Scientist
Mount Isa Hospital

The opportunity for your career working in a rural town is not something you get many chances at in bigger cities. I was placed on the rural generalist pathway with the support of Queensland Health and this opportunity to broaden my skills would almost be out of reach otherwise.